엘에이 저소득층 거주자를 위한 데빗카드 신청 안내 (4/16 마감)

2020-04-14 23:47

엘에이 저소득층 주민들과 신종 코로나바이러스 팬데믹 동안 소득이 감소한 저소득층 주민들은
14일부터  선불 데빗카드를 신청할 수 있습니다.
에릭 가세티 시장은 브리핑에서 스태이 앳 홈 행정명령이 발효되기 이전에 연방빈곤선 이하의 소
득을 가진 주민들에게 7백달러, 1천백달러 또는 1천5백달러의 데빗카드를 제공할 것이라고 말했
직불카드는 hcidla.lacity.org에서 신청하거나 213-252-3040으로 전화하면 신청이 가능하며, 마감은
목요일인 16일 오후 4시 30분입니다.
연방정부와 주 정부의 지원을 받는 사람들도 소득요건이 충족되는 한 데빗카드를 받을 수 있습
니다. 카드는 시민권에 상관없이 신청하는 모든 사람들에게 제공될 예정입니다.

Who is eligible for Angeleno Card Assistance?

Households must meet all three of the following criteria to be eligible for assistance through the Angeleno Card initiative:

Households in the City of Los Angeles;

  1. Households with total annual incomes that fell below the federal poverty level prior to the COVID-19 crisis; and

2. Households that have fallen into deeper economic hardship during the crisis because at least one household member has lost a job or experienced a reduction in income of at least 50%.

3. We will not ask for immigration status, nor is it considered in determining eligibility. This initiative is funded by private donations and is not a City program. Any assistance through this fund is not considered a public benefit and is not subject to the Public Charge rule.

Households receiving public benefits (including unemployment insurance benefits) may still be eligible for this initiative if their total annual household income falls below the poverty level. Households may be eligible regardless of whether workers within them earn or earned W2 or 1099 income; are or were otherwise independently employed (as domestic workers, day laborers, or street vendors, for example); or are or were seasonal workers in agriculture or tourism who are not working or who have experienced a serious reduction in work hours.

What documentation is required?

You must demonstrate that:

Your household is within the City of Los Angeles

Documents that can be used to meet this requirement include (these are examples — you do not need to provide all of the documents, other documents may be considered, and applicants with no documents may be able to go through a self-certification process):

A valid California Driver’s License or Identification Card with the applicant’s name and an address in the City of Los Angeles;

A tenant lease agreement with the applicant’s name for a home, apartment, room, etc., within the City of Los Angeles;

A utility bill with the applicant’s name, for an address within the City of Los Angeles; or

Postmarked mail addressed to the applicant at an address within the City of Los Angeles.

Your household income fell below the federal poverty level prior to the COVID-19 crisis.

Documents that can be used to meet this requirement include:

Household memebers' 2018 or 2019 tax returns; or

Information about all wages and public benefits within the household

Proof of wages within the household can include: W2s, 1099s, paychecks (annualized), or self-declarations. Proof of public benefits within the household can include Notice of Public Benefit from CalWorks, General Relief, Unemployment Insurance, Social Security, SSI, or SSDI. Applicants with no documents may be able to go through a self-certification process.

Your household has fallen into deeper economic hardship during the COVID-19 crisis because at least one household member has lost a job or experienced a reduction in income of at least 50%.

Documents that can be used to meet this requirement include (these are examples — you do not need to provide all of the documents listed, other documents may be considered, and applicants with no documents may be able to go through a self-certification process. ):

A layoff letter from an employer;

Contact information for an employer to allow a case manager to make contact and verify a job loss or a reduction in income of at least 50%;

A denial letter for unemployment insurance or other public benefits; or

A referral letter from a non-profit organization such as a day laborer center or domestic worker association stating that the organization knows the applicant has recently lost employment or suffered a reduction in income of at least 50%.

How Do I Apply for Assistance?

First, complete the Angeleno Card Online Application. Applications may only be completed on April 14 - 16, this Tuesday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. People without internet access or who need help applying online may call 213-252-3040, this Tuesday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Those who pre-qualify based on their online or telephone applications will be given an in-person appointment at a designated community center. These centers cannot help anyone without an appointment. You will be asked to provide documentation at this in person meeting, and you may be able to upload pictures or digital copies of documentation in advance.

Due to limited resources, if the number of qualified individuals exceeds the number of available Angeleno Cards grants, the City of Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department will randomly select among the qualified individuals to receive the Angeleno Card grants. These Angeleno Card grants serve the well-being of the City of Los Angeles community as a whole in charitably helping its residents in need. The Angeleno Card grants are privately funded through donations to the Mayor’s Fund for Los Angeles and do not consist of any public or taxpayer funds.
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